August Update
Construction start date. The bidding for the installation of this project is complete and the contract will be awarded soon. We expect that the contractor will start work in early October depending on the availability of the equipment.
Scope. Contractors will be replacing existing access control equipment only in approximately 150 locations on and off campus with new hardware. We expect the work to continue through the end of 2021. These locations have been broken down into 9 groups. Contractors will start with Group One and move through all groups sequentially. Learn more about the implementation schedule and which buildings are in which group.
Communications and signage for key card holders. Please feel free to share any and all of these communications with your key card holders. In addition to messages you send, the AggieAccess team will also provide signage at each key card entry location that alerts users to the upcoming changes.
Project Changes
Credential Updates. The AggieAccess Team will be providing new credentials for everyone who has existing access. Cards will be printed using previously uploaded photos. If, due to a significant change in appearance, it is necessary for a new photo to be used, please contact us. Mobile credentials, which will allow people electronic access through their smartphones, are currently in development. Once implemented, mobile credentials will be the primary means of access available to all users. Physical AggieAccess cards will remain available upon request. More information on mobile credentials will be made available as details are finalized.
Training. The AggieAccess team is scheduling necessary trainings for key card managers that correspond with their group's transition to the new system.
New doors included. Previously the AggieAccess project only covered doors with existing hardware. We are now adding exterior access control to selected buildings. Please note that the key card entry systems on these new doors will not be activated until everyone who needs access has access. More details on this will be coming soon.
Worth Repeating
Old cards will no longer work. No existing access cards or fobs will work once the current systems have been retrofitted.
Who does what? Contractors will be replacing existing card readers and control panels. The AggieAccess team will coordinate door programming, schedules, groupings and users with key card managers.
Construction is not destructive. Contractors are only replacing equipment in existing locations. Expect work at each door location to take less than 1 day. No doors will be left unsecure at the end of the work day.
Send in your list of active users. If you are a Key Card Manager, please make sure to send us your list of active users as soon as possible. We are aware the lists will have continuous updates and will have processes in place to manage that.
Issuing cards during the transition. As this project will take a year to complete, Key Card Managers should continue to provide new access cards to users as needed on existing systems until they have a confirmed date for implementation at their location. There may also be situations where students, faculty, and staff will be required to carry multiple cards during this transition time.
Expanding existing systems. If there is currently a card reader on a door, it will be retrofitted to the new system. Once a building is retrofitted, new door locations can be added by the managing department via a Work Order to Facilities.